Top 5 amazing mythological creatures of india 🇮🇳

 Hello friends one's again I am here with a mind blowing topic . So without wasting time let's begin. 

1. Yali 

Yali is a mythical creature which has a head of a elephant, body of a lion , legs of a horse and some even have wings of a eagle. Yali can fly run fast and is much stronger than a elephant or a lion. Yalis got a importance In the 16th century at south India.  You can see sculptures of yalis in the south Indian Temples as people think yalis will protect the temple. They are also known as yala vadhala in sanskrit.  Some who have wings are known as Leo grif . 

2. Airavata

Airavata is a pure white elephant. People belive that he is the mount or vahan of the Hindu God INDRA. Airavat has 5 heads and 10 tusks. It is believed that airavata was formed by the churning of the milk ocean. He is always in front of the gate of swarg ,indras house . 

3. Makara

Makara is a half mamal and half fish sea creature. He has a face of deer/goat/crocodile/ elephant and body of a fish . It's known as the vahan of river goddess Ganga and the sea God varuna . You could see the sculptures of makara in front of treasures rooms and temple gates . They are even in the form of the opening of a natural spring . It's common in the Temples of Hindu and Buddhist. 

4. Matsay 

Matsay was also known as the rainbow fish . It was as big as a whale and maybe even bigger. It was the 1st avatar of the Hindu God vishnu . One's this fish ate Buddha so people killed her and saved Buddha and the meat of the fish was available to all in the nation still It lasted for a year . It has mainly 4 colours green,red,yellow, blue . Each depicted a element of the nature as green for land , red for fire, yellow for air and blue for water . 

5. Gandhabherund 

Gandhabherund was a two headed bird with immense strength.  It is a emblem of the state karnataka in South India. To show the immense strength of the karnataka government.  This bird is always shown holding elephants in their legs and beaks .

So friends I hope you got to know more about the creatures of indian mythology and if yes then pls share this blog with your friends . Meet you all soon till than a happy bhai duj .


  1. Like the way you summarized in your own words. Great job for finding such a topic by yourself.


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