Top 5 gaming news Part-2

 Hi guys welcome to yyblogs I am going to again cover gaming news after a long time so without wasting any time let's get started.

1. Saints Row's is going to release

Before some time Saints Row's trailer was released and now game inform has finally reveled the game.

2. Minecraft new mob

Minecraft has finally released a new mob.Which will spawn in very dark area.

3. GTA will stop selling

A big new for GTA fans GTA 3, GTA Vice City and GTA san Anorra is stoped selling in digital store but many fans are not happy with this decision because this is gta history.

4. Call of Duty: Vangaurd details 

This a five players game. Trailer of this is just now reveled. Graphic, controls is improved very much which will give better experience to players of World War 2. This is going to release in PC, PS5 and Xbox.

5. Sony will help mobile players 

Sony has hired former lead of Apple Arcade.That help playstation to take on mobile.

Before ending this blog I want to announce that many of you have not subscribe our channel link is

Ok, guys for today this much only meet you on next blog till than bye-bye and have a peace.


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